The Dreamer’s Journey- Cal

2 min readDec 7, 2021

As I said, time is a complicated concept. It is something we do not worry too much about here on Cor. But the understanding of that is hard to explain with the language that is available on this particular thread in spacetime.

Time is not linear for us here. In your idea of time, some of these timelines have happened in the past. Some in the future. But in essence, all of them are still being written. Some have interconnected more than others.

Just note that everything is different here. It is pure chaos. Yet peace.

Lean into that with these stories.

Many timelines are connected through their placement in the timeline. Where they exist in spacetime. Some timelines may have strong connections due to other factors such as art or dreams…
Each of the Soul Energies I am connected to on the various timelines all can connect to the channel. Of course, the Soul Energies are unique and connect to the channel in their own unique way.

By connecting to the channel the Soul can sometimes find little gems for their path. The souls are all connected so the energy from all of the other Souls are all connected as well.

The channels naturally filter the data to be able to align with the Soul’s journey.

Some of the timelines from later timelines are able to tap into it in ways that are less filtered.

And with everything, it is about your placement in spacetime or your perspective. My filter is quite different from your timeline.

It is like a well.

What everyone takes from the well is different as well. Each unique Soul needs something completely different.

There may be similarities but by the time the energy taken from the well is transformed in a way that will replenish the Souls Energy, it will look quite different from another Soul dipping from the same well.

I admire the Soul. Energies.

I am a storyteller. My job is solely to tell the story.

I sink into the depths of a Souls Energies journey and share

I get to experience the beauty of what is. What was. What is happening.




I am a complex soul wrapped in chocolate flying through space on a rock trying to redefine my fairy tale