Joyful Breadcrumbs

Jul 19, 2021

I think it would be difficult to clean the house if a person just keeps pushing everything under the carpet and turning off the lights. I feel this applies to our way of thinking.

Not cancel culture either. Just have empathy and be willing to learn. It might not be that simple but I think it’s a start.

I have a feeling people may sometimes be afraid to go and fix things because they will feel exposed and vulnerable and “only the strong survive”. We have found it easier to suppress than to decompress.

If we just accepted that we are all here experiencing this moment for the first time then maybe we would be more kind and be more open to solutions (because this moment and this moment now is new. Literally in a totally different point in space in time)

Shine the light on it.




I am a complex soul wrapped in chocolate flying through space on a rock trying to redefine my fairy tale